Agriturismo Il Gelso

Our Products

il Vero biological, short-chain certified, directly from the producer.

Dal piacere di produrre. . . la soddisfazione di vendere

"What do you find in our Dispensa?"

Fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables

We love to experiment and rediscover forgotten flavors: ancient varieties, particular vegetables rich in nutrients, coming from our tradition and from all over the world. Our sister companies (Bio Network) with different seasons allow us to bring citrus, kiwi and tomatoes to the table in the cold months.

The Pantry as it once was

We grind our wheat to stone to obtain a live flour, which we transform into an exquisite bronze-drawn pasta, to be sautéed with our tomato sauce. Ancient pears and apples are squeezed into intense flavors of juices and ciders. From orchards and from rose mustards and jams.

Gastronomy from our kitchen

All the tasty preparations of our tradition: herb tortelli, borage and leek tortelli, cappelletti, lasagna, cakes, stuffed focaccia, biscuits and an exceptional bread made with our wholemeal flour.

Look at our catalogue



Ottimi prodotti di altre aziende agricole italiane, biologiche certificate e di alto standard qualitativo.

  • Olio EVO Siciliano
  • Vino biologico biodinamico
  • Uova di gallina ovaiola

Dalle colline di Parma...

  • Birra biologica artigianale
  • Miele biologico
  • Parmigiano e altri formaggi
  • Salami e cotechini di maiale nero

E tanti altri prodotti in arrivo!

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a Parma e provincia!

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